Latest Episodes

#104 -- A Wise Mindset for Joy in Athletics at any Age w/Bill Clement, Hockey Legend
Bio William H. Clement is a former professional ice hockey player who became an author, speaker, actor, entrepreneur, and hockey broadcaster. Clement played 11...

#103 -- Better Bloodflow & Healing for the Older Athlete w/Beth Shirley, RPh, CCN
Efficiency in training, in health, and in life comes of finding solutions that solve multiple problems at once. If only there was one thing...

# 102 -- Maximizing Performance Health w/James LaValle R.Ph.,C.C.N.M.T.
"Exceptional performance health isn't easy, but it's worth it" James LaValle R.Ph.,C.C.N.M.T. is an internationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board-certified clinical nutritionist, and expert...

#101 -- Biometric Scorecard: Personalized Health & Longevity w/Chris Wikman
Tracking your biological age factors is the best way to zero-in on what works to improve your athletic performance, and extend your own healthy...

#100-Practical Tips for Phytonutrients (and fiber) w/Dr. Jed Fahey
I just had to get Dr. Jed Fahey to come back to give us some practical tips on getting the benefits of phytonutrients (and...

#99--Vince Giuliano (93 years young): the Ultimate Longevity Warrior
Vince Giuliano Bio Vince Giuliano is one of the original contributors to the Computer Revolution starting in the 50's and the Internet Revolution starting...