#113 | Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) for Pain & Healing | Bob Dennis, PhD

Episode 113 October 19, 2023 01:11:47
#113 | Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) for Pain & Healing | Bob Dennis, PhD
wise athletes podcast
#113 | Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) for Pain & Healing | Bob Dennis, PhD

Oct 19 2023 | 01:11:47


Show Notes

I'm sure you've heard something, somewhere about magnetic field therapies providing pain and healing through noninvasive anti-inflammatory effects. To my ears, this all sounded a little too much like those X-Ray glasses that I ordered in 1975 that never arrived. Today I am talking with Bob Dennis, PhD, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Founder of Micro-Pulse, about his work with NASA on PEMF and his pursuit of a non-drug solution to his own back pain. Bob is a scientist and an old-school tinkerer on a mission to bring affordable PEMF technology to Wise Athletes and people in pain everywhere.

The original NASA TVEMF - PEMF systems were developed by Dr. Robert Dennis for NASA under contract in 1997 - 1998.  Recently corrected NASA patents verify his status as original inventor.  Four additional patents (1 2 3 4) demonstrate the recent advances that have been made since the original work at NASA, leading to modern ICES® DigiCeutical® technology developed in 2013 - 2014.  ICES is the new PEMF.

Founded by Dr. Robert Dennis (LinkedIn profile) to provide biomedical technology research & development to bridge the gap from academic research to industry, Micro-Pulse LLC has evolved into an independent core technology origination company for a wide range of products, including specialized test apparatus for basic scientific research, robust products for military applications, and low-cost high-performance commercial products for medicine, research, and education.


Bob's Bio:

Bob Dennis is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a medical scientist and tissue engineer, and consultant in medical device design. He has worked in the aerospace and defense industries, the automotive industry, and the medical device industry. He co-founded the Biomechatronics Group in the Harvard-MIT HST program in the original MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, where he developed the world’s first hybrid (living + synthetic) swimming robot for DARPA. As a professor at U-Michigan and UNC, he has lead multi-institutional research projects to develop new tissue engineering technologies for the United States Department of Defense.

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