Latest Episodes
#6 - John Ooyen, 78 yo Wise Athlete: The Value of Social Connection in Athletics
Join Dr. Glen Winkel and Joe Lavelle on Wise Athletes as we hear from John Ooyen (@OoyenJohn), a Nederland, Colorado resident and 78 year...
#5 - Strength Training with Erin Carson
On episode 5 of the Wise Athletes podcast, Dr. Glen Winkel and I are joined by Erin Carson, Owner of ECFIT and RallySport to...
#4 - The carbohydrate conundrum
Listen in to hear Dr Glen Winkel describe his journey to use a ketogenic diet to improve his health and his cycling racing results....
#3 - A Deeper Dive on Recovery
How to need less recovery? How to make your body better at recovery? What to do after exercise to accelerate recovery? All of that...
# 2 - Recovery: Why is it so hard to do right?
What is recovery? Why do we need to recover from exercise? Why is recovery especially important for older athletes? Listen in as Dr. Glen...
# 1: Wise Athletes Podcast Begins
Join Dr. Glen Winkel and I as we perform our first recording, and attempt to explain why we are doing Wise Athlete. Health, Redefined....