Join Dr. Glen Winkel and Joe Lavelle on Wise Athletes as we hear from John Ooyen (@OoyenJohn), a Nederland, Colorado resident and 78 year old Wise Athlete about the real value of athletics in living a long, healthy, and meaningful life. Glen and I have known John for several years. We asked John to join us on Wise Athletes to share with us his secrets to athletic longevity. I was hoping for secret elixirs and lost recovery techniques, but John surprised me. John’s pearls and rubies on the value of remaining athletic throughout life are far more meaningful and central to the philosophy of Wise Athletes than the rough garnets I hoped to find.
Listen in as we hear John’s tale and benefit from his wisdom about the value of camaraderie and social connection, and in the rich opportunities to make and help athletic friends…and how that makes all the difference in achieving and enjoying a long, healthy and meaningful life.
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Sponsor: RePowerU — FREE Fitness Practices Assessment (a 10-minute questionnaire): Outline of discussion – How to really use strength training to improve endurance...
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