#67 -- Hormone Health for the Older Male & Female Athlete w/Dr Kyle Gillett

Episode 67 May 22, 2022 00:55:25
#67 -- Hormone Health for the Older Male & Female Athlete w/Dr Kyle Gillett
wise athletes podcast
#67 -- Hormone Health for the Older Male & Female Athlete w/Dr Kyle Gillett

May 22 2022 | 00:55:25


Show Notes

Dr. Kyle Gillett

Today on episode #67, I talk with Dr. Kyle Gillett, a medical doctor and expert in hormonal health. Dr Gillett and I attempted to cover this broad topic in under an hour by avoiding the technical details and focusing on the high-level tips on how the older athlete can recover and maintain hormonal health for improved general health, higher fitness, and a better quality of life. Listen in to hear about the surprising mistakes people make with common supplements and other tips for dealing with common conditions such as: low energy, lack of focus, declining strength, and more.

When I was younger, I felt great all the time.  Of course, back then ‘feeling great’ was just feeling normal.  Now-a-days, ‘feeling great’ is a special thing, and I want more of it.  Hormones are the key.  Much of what Dr Gillett told me I had heard or read about before somewhere in the internet universe timeline, but in our short hour together, Kyle was able to frame the topic of hormones to provide context to the why’s and how’s of getting more of feeling great.


Dr. Kyle Gillett, MD, a dual board-certified physician in family medicine and obesity medicine and an expert in: optimizing hormone levels to improve overall health and well-being in both men and women; improving hormones using behavioral, nutritional, and exercise-based tools; and safely and rationally using supplementation and hormone therapies.

Website: https://gilletthealth.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kylegillettmd/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GillettHealth

ASCVD Risk Calculator: https://tools.acc.org/ascvd-risk-estimator-plus/#!/calculate/estimate/

Want to know more?: Read:

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