(A)ttitude - positive attitude to facilitate doing the things that make you happy vs. dwelling on what you cannot do any longer due to age
(B)alance - physical and mental balance. Physical balance is the sense of balance that can weaken as we get older, and can be trained to avoid falls which may put us out of the game. But also finding balance in life is important.
(C)onnection -- connect with the things you find important and the people who make life meaningful.
Alan D. Castel is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research focuses on how cognition changes with age and how people selectively remember important events. His work has been supported by the National Institute on Aging and has been featured in The New York Times and Time Magazine. He received his PhD from the University of Toronto in 2004, completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis, and has been a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at UCLA since 2006.
Age is an important number, but it can also be deceiving. After 40, most people say they feel younger than their years, some lie about their age, and many attempt to hide the signs of growing old.
Although most people think of their later years in terms of decline, they can be one of the best times in life.
We are all aging, and many people are concerned about what to expect with advancing years. Retirement, happiness, and brain health are some of the many topics covered in this book. Better with Age shows what we can do now, at any stage in life, to make sure we enjoy old age.
Book Better with Age: The Psychology of Successful Aging TEDx Talk How We Learn as We Age UCLA Department of Psychology http://castel.psych.ucla.edu
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