#54 -- Better Posture = More Power + Less Pain with Annette Verpillot

Episode 54 January 11, 2022 00:57:51
#54 -- Better Posture = More Power + Less Pain with Annette Verpillot
wise athletes podcast
#54 -- Better Posture = More Power + Less Pain with Annette Verpillot

Jan 11 2022 | 00:57:51


Show Notes

Sponsor: RePowerU — a free fitness practices assessment (a 10-minute questionnaire)

The Posturepro Method

We know that posture stems from your brain’s interpretation of the information it receives. We also know that your body is constantly fighting the effects of gravity in order to keep you upright or moving.

Proper posture allows your body to work efficiently against gravity. On the contrary, poor posture leads to excess energy expenditure in attempt to stay upright. This can be exhausting!

In order to optimize your posture, The Posturepro Method observes several elements:


Muscles respond to the commands of the brain. A brain imbalance leads to a muscle imbalance.


The weight distribution of your feet changes knee and hip mechanics.


The eye muscles tell your brain where your body is in space.


Recent studies have show that the position of the jaw affects our posture.

Annette’s biography:

Annette Verpillot is the founder of Posturepro, a health company specialized in restoring the brain-body connection through some of the world’s most advanced rehabilitation and injury prevention techniques. She has created the Posturepro Method which has gained global recognition for eliminating chronic pain, increasing strength, and improving sports proficiency. Additionally, Annette actively works with clients, professional athletes, trainers, practitioners, and researchers to develop solutions to tackle global health issues.

Here are links to connect with Annette:

Website: posturepro.co
Instagram: @posturepro
Facebook: @Posturepro
Youtube: @posturepro1
Twitter: @posture_pro
ClubHouse: @posturepro
Posturepro Club: https://www.facebook.com/groups/postureproclub

TedTalk: https://youtu.be/S3qdSo8z0Is

Annette bio: https://posturepro.co/annette-verpillot/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Posturepro

Example video from website: https://posturepro.co/improve-your-posture-through-your-feet/

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