#106 -- Pain-free Cycling w/Kevin Schmidt PT, MSPT, PedalPT

Episode 106 August 05, 2023 01:02:59
#106 -- Pain-free Cycling w/Kevin Schmidt PT, MSPT, PedalPT
wise athletes podcast
#106 -- Pain-free Cycling w/Kevin Schmidt PT, MSPT, PedalPT

Aug 05 2023 | 01:02:59


Show Notes

The journey to happiness always includes a bicycle. And a bicycle that fits you is the most important part.

A bike is a marvelous extension of the human body. Riding a bike is a like full-body meditation. When you do it right you are immersed in the present….lost in the pleasure of your body working well. That is, as long as your bike doesn’t cause pain.   Some people never have problems but others have to struggle to get the right combination of gear, body function, and set up. For those of us in that last category, a good bike fitter is priceless. 

So why is good bike fitting so hard to come by?  It turns out that it isn’t hard if you know what to look for.  Kevin Schmidt knows bikes, and he knows bodies. He's a good friend to the cyclist.

I have to admit that I didn't think this episode would apply to me. I mean my bike fits me already. But after my discussion with Kevin, on my very next bike ride, I noticed I had to scoot back on my saddle. Suddenly I was reminded of Kevin's advice about saddle tilt. I got off my bike and looked at my saddle for the 1000th time, and it looked good. But I decided to make the smallest possible adjustment to my saddle tilt, and BINGO! Suddenly my bike felt 100% better, and no more sliding. Yeah, you should listen to Kevin.

Kevin Schmidt, PT, MSPT, CMP, Bike Friendly Physio and owner/founder of Pedal PT

Kevin Schmidt is a physical therapist, clinical bike fitter, bike adventurer, and entrepreneur.  Since 2007, Kevin has dedicated himself 100% to living the 'bike life' and has not driven a car to a workday in over 12 years. He Founded Pedal PT in 2012 in Portland, Oregon, which became America's very first Physical Therapy clinic ever to be certified as a 'Gold-Level' Bike Friendly Business from the League of American Cyclists. In his pursuit of ‘Bike Friendly Physical Therapy” Kevin has written and been featured in numerous articles and speaking events on Bike Fit and managing the cycling population, and is also the creator of the ‘Pedal PT Online Academy’, and “The Portlander” Bike Fit training stand. Kevin lives in southeast Portland, OR with his family.  


Outline of Talk

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