Sponsor: RePowerU -- a free fitness practices assessment (a 10-minute questionnaire)
Episode 3 of 3 with Dr Jowdy.
Today we explore the all-to-common problem of using exercise to compensate for eating disorders and body image issues. Dr. Doug Jowdy talks though how to think about this problem and how we can overcome it.
Website: https://www.drdougjowdy.com
Book: Gold Medal Mind: https://www.goldmedalmind.com
Dr. Jowdy has been practicing the art and science of psychology since 1986. He considers it a blessing to join people on their journey in the arena of sport, or in the game of life. It is his passion to serve as a guide to help others create a life that exceeds one’s expectations
Sponsor: RePowerU — FREE Fitness Practices Assessment (a 10-minute questionnaire): https://formfaca.de/sm/SR_8_j7es Outline of Discussion – Year-Round Strength Training is a non-negotiable requirement for masters...
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