#109 | Physical Intelligence for Heathy Aging | Dr. Scott Grafton

Episode 109 August 28, 2023 00:52:43
#109 | Physical Intelligence for Heathy Aging | Dr. Scott Grafton
wise athletes podcast
#109 | Physical Intelligence for Heathy Aging | Dr. Scott Grafton

Aug 28 2023 | 00:52:43


Show Notes

Exercise is not the same as physical activity. Wise Athletes must continue to use all of our physical skills to retain them long into life. Instead of investing in carefully planned strength training, cardio training, balance training, mobility training....just get out into nature and use your body in ways that are unpredictable...that challenge your brain.

Dr. Scott Grafton

Dr. Scott Grafton, Distinguished Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara, directs the Action Lab, which works on the neuroscience of goal-directed movement. Professor Grafton is also the author of Physical Intelligence: The Science of How the Body and Mind Guide Each Other Through Life.  

What is Physical Intelligence?

Dr. Grafton shares how ‘physical intelligence’ works, what you can do to hold on to old physical skills as well as learn new fun things to do, and why it’s so important for all of us as we age.

Physical intelligence is the brain's ability to figure out how to perform physical skills better and better. It learns by doing. 

But we forget. We lose skills we don’t use. That results in losing basic life skills if we withdraw from life. The more we pull back from activities that might result in injury the less capable we become over time. We have to find a way to stretch ourselves in what we already know or in learning new activities. 

Exercise is not enough. We need unpredictable environments. An opponent across the net. An unstable trail. Something that engages the brain in adapting skills to accommodate new information. We retain physical skills and we exercise the brain.

  1. Smart Practice -- spending time wisely that provide the best result....only practicing the hardest skills...not wasting time on the easy stuff because it's fun
  2. Variability in Practice -- it's good to have randomness in the practice to maximally stimulate the brain to learn faster
  3. Good sleep is important for consolidating new physical skills
  4. We are born to learn physical skills. We are great at it. But we are also great at forgetting. Use it or lose it.
  5. Find a way to stretch your physical capabilities (which will stretch your mental capabilities as well) to keep from shrinking down to a fragile person who is afraid and incapable of operating in the world
  6. Why do people fall down? Strength? Balance? Vision? No: its a loss of skill in moving through real-world environments.

Outline of Discussion

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