#99--Vince Giuliano (93 years young): the Ultimate Longevity Warrior

Episode 99 July 04, 2023 00:57:09
#99--Vince Giuliano (93 years young): the Ultimate Longevity Warrior
wise athletes podcast
#99--Vince Giuliano (93 years young): the Ultimate Longevity Warrior

Jul 04 2023 | 00:57:09


Show Notes

Vince Giuliano Bio

Vince Giuliano is one of the original contributors to the Computer Revolution starting in the 50's and the Internet Revolution starting in the late 80's. In his latest career starting 15 years ago, Vince has become a personally-interested connoisseur and interpreter of the emerging science of longevity in his incredibly successful effort to extend his own life and healthspan. Vince says his remarkable success comes from practicing what he preaches, some of the details of which he will share with us today.

Outline of Discussion

Be sure to checkout Vince's website. He has published a lot of books and papers (~200) as well as over 500 substantive entries in his blog. There's a lot there, and all of it is very well thought-out and written.

Discount Code:

Here are two discounts from Vince (expire Aug 2024): a one-time 20% off discount for new customers & 20% discount on a 1-year subscription . Link to Vince’s website: Synergybioherbals.com. When placing an order, use discount code “NewUser20” (1-time purchase by new customers) or “WiseAtheletes12” (or, use this to use to save 20% on a 1-year subscription for up to 5 bottles; 1 year only). Each person can only use 1 of these codes.

Links to Vince's Writings & Proprietary Supplement

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