Improving bone health through nutrition and exercise...advice from Melissa Rittenhouse PhD, endurance athlete, registered dietitian, certified specialist in sports dietetics, PhD in Exercise Physiology.
Melissa Rittenhouse PhD, RD, CSSD.Dr Rittenhouse has been practicing in the areas of sports nutrition and human performance since 2002. She is a sports dietitian, and a Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) certified coach. She participated in the 2004, 2008 and 2012 Olympic Marathon Trials.
How to need less recovery? How to make your body better at recovery? What to do after exercise to accelerate recovery? All of that...
I have a number of amazing episodes coming up (mental strength, CBD, avoiding glycation/AGEs, PEMF and more) but I haven't been able to get...
Song Credit: Twice in One Lifetime by Phil Maffetone Dr Phil Maffetone Dr. Phil Maffetone’s credo is that “everyone is an athlete.” As a...