#59 -- Strength Training for Endurance, Chris Peden

Episode 59 February 21, 2022 01:03:25
#59 -- Strength Training for Endurance, Chris Peden
wise athletes podcast
#59 -- Strength Training for Endurance, Chris Peden

Feb 21 2022 | 01:03:25


Show Notes

Sponsor: RePowerU -- a free fitness practices assessment (a 10-minute questionnaire)

Outline of Discussion



About Chris: https://ridethestruggle.com/blogs/struggle/winter-strength-training-plan-for-cyclists

Coach Chris Peden is strength coach to talented cyclists including Zoe Backstedt who currently holds Under 23 National, European and World titles on the road, track and in Cyclocross.

Chris believes the old way is not always the right way and highly recommends strength training to any cyclist looking to improve. 

“Riding your bike should always be the main priority. However, incorporating strength training will further enhance cycling performance if it’s done right.”

Strength training enhances exercise economy, anaerobic capacity, lactate threshold, maximal strength, maximal speed and endurance, while also reducing the rate of fatigue. Isn’t that a cyclists ultimate wish-list?” Says Chris.

Chris believes strength training is overlooked by many cyclists for two reasons: (1) the fear of adding additional weight to our bodies, and (2) because they don't know how.

“Riders who combine cycling with strength training have leaner body composition over those who just cycle. Muscle mass doesn’t suddenly appear on the body once you start lifting weights. It takes years of dedicated regular lifting with minimal cardio.”

 "We learn strength training as a new skill quite easily - like learning to ride a bike."

Contact: https://linktr.ee/CPeden

Chris Peden, Strength, Endurance & Nutrition Coach Combined Athletic Performance Portsmouth,  UK

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